
Bradley Four Years at YLD

Bradley Stott is our CCO here at YLD and is this week celebrating his four year anniversary. Today he is sharing with us some insight into his career, progression, and what it’s really like to work for our team.

What is your name?

Bradley Stott

What is your role at YLD?


What does your role involve?

Commercial Strategy, from planning to doing. Sales, renewals, account management, business development, partnerships, organisational design…the list goes on!

What did you do before joining YLD?

Before YLD I spent 4 years in technology recruitment where I managed a team of recruiters. I specialised in JavaScript Recruitment which is how I met Nuno, our CEO (he was previously a candidate of mine).

Prior to that I studied law at Portsmouth University.

Why did you decide to have a career in Software Engineering and Design Consultancy?

I knew from my early involvement in the tech industry that I wanted to get involved in a young start up so I could learn and deliver things in multiple parts of business operations. Also the talent of the people at YLD and the size of the clients at our early age was a huge pull.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given in your career?

Always be candid but respectful and always pay it forward.

What are you most proud of in your career?

Seeing YLD become one of the fastest growing tech companies in London.

What are you currently working on?

Right now we are in the process of building out a sustainable and scalable sales process based on YLD’s values. The ultimate goal is a repeatable model to take to new locations!

How does working at YLD differ to the companies you’ve worked at before?

It’s the most open company I know. There are no closed doors, anyone can speak to anyone and get whatever information they need, be it on what they are working on or what is happening with the business as a whole.

What tech are you excited about at the moment?

I’m excited to see what happens next in transport and vehicle ownership. We are already seeing a society slowly moving away from owning cars but there is much more innovation to come here.

Bradley Four Years at YLD
was originally published in YLD Blog on Medium.
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